Gifts for Craft Beer Enthusiasts
The craft beer industry is booming! The amount of craft beer festivals, conferences, and breweries that have emerged in the last 10 years is staggering. Not to mention the home brewers and beer lovers who swap craft beers with others across the country. Craft beer is the largest growing niche market in the US. Whether you are headed to the annual craft brewer’s conference, or are a home brew enthusiast, check out these gifts for craft beer enthusiasts.
Executive Craft Beer Briefcase
It is hard to go anywhere in the US and not find a craft beer bottle shop with local flavor. Bringing those beers home on the plane is where it gets tricky. You can wrap them in your clothes and hope they don’t get broken, or you can use this awesome Executive Craft Beer Suitcase. You will have to check it as baggage, but you can feel safe that your precious craft beer will make it home safe and sound. This craft beer carrier is perfect for the traveling craft beer lover!
Craft Beer Tasting Kit
Beer tastes differently based on the type of glass that it is poured in and this craft beer tasting kit is needed to do just that. Spiegelau created the perfect glass to enjoy each type of craft beer: IPA 19 oz glass, Lager 17 oz glass, Tall Pilsner 12 oz, and Wheat Beer 17 oz. This craft beer tasting kit is a great way to show the craft beer lover in your life that you care.
Credit Card Size Bottle Opener
This silver credit card sized craft beer bottle opener is perfect to have you logo on it. It also fits just right in a wallet, without bulking out. Little known fact is that this bottler opener can also cut glass. The more you know, right? This is the perfect trade show giveaway not only at craft beer conferences, but also any in the hospitality industry.